Sunday, August 5, 2007

First Blog Assignment

After the initial fear of blogging for an assignment subsided I looked through the topics and had a quick read of what everyone had had to say so far. I liked a number of topics but think I have come up with something that will not only be of interest to me but will also have some personal signifigance.

I am currently thinking of writting my topic on stereotypes and looking into the stereotypes of the Muslim community within Australia. I am interested in examining how much the media influences peoples opinions here and whether ideas and judgements that we as a community have formed have any real substance or if they have been built out of a lack of understanding and misinterpreted knowledge. To start of I thought I would add a link to an article on the BBC which very basically sets out some beliefs and facts of Islam. I stress that they are basic but I thought that it was a good place to start.

I'm very interested in others opinions on the topic and if you feel if your own feelings and possible stereotypes of the Islamic population have been affected by world events or media depictations.


James Neill said...

Hi Beck - thanks for the tackling this important topic. Just a thought for you - A month or so ago I was listening to Late Night Live on ABC Radio and it was pointed out that Muslims around the world do not not see themselves necessarily as part of one group of "muslims", but rather, for example, arab muslims are distinct for example from asian muslims. This has prompoted me to think that perhaps one way of breaking down and improving mainstream Australia's understanding of muslim societies would for greater education about different groups within islam, rather than having people see people of this faith as a homogenous group.

Jules said...

Hi Beck, I think this topic you have chosen for your blog is a very interesting one, due to the stigma now surrounding people of muslim religion and how they have all been tarnished with the 'same brush' so to speak due to the fear created by the media, which I personally believe is actually being driven by governments around the world who are using the media for personal gain, wwhatever that may be. But what needs to happen is education on the issue of terrorism and what groups of muslims are committing these acts and not just lump them all as "terroists". I know I find it hard not to do this myself but, I have to consciously remind myself that there is an agenda I suppose of people who have more power than me or you as individuals. But I suppose as individuals we could come together to try to end this?

christina-socialpsych said...

Hey Beck,
The topic you have chosen is so critical in todays society (I was actually considering doing it myself). I feel that so many people lack understanding about the ways in which the media have constructed a certain image of the Muslim community. Its scary that the media (and people in positions of media power) have so much reach and influence over the public. The media feeds our community and in some cases has inflamed people(examples like Allan Jones in the Cronulla riots!!)into thinking and acting in the most prejudice and warped ways! Like others have pointed out there is a huge lack of understanding surrounding the Muslim culture and despite many media depictions they are not all violent fundamentalists.

beck1411 said...

Thanks for the comments everyone there is good points in all...
When im thinking about my posts for this topic or trying to find links i check them with my boyfriend before i do so. As he is Muslim I feel that he has a better understanding and can make sure I'm not giving out incorrect facts.
He was reading my comments and felt that the comment you made James was very true. Whilst he sees himself as a Muslim, there are many different things that this means to each individual. There are also different practices in different countries and I think it is important to get a grasp on that. Just as in other religions, people act in different ways and practice their religion in their own ways whilst still subscribing to the same faith.